Céilidh | Cailey - My Life

Friday, August 17

Photos from New York

At Rob and Scott's house
Making 'smores' - Gram crackers with hersheys chocolate and melted marshmallows!

Wendell and Zane

Marble Head

Rockefeller Center (where the ice rink usually is)

- I worked in 45 Rock -

The Observation Deck

(An Open Box ticketing system)

From the top of 30 Rock (The observation Deck)

Tuesday, August 7

New York, New York

So I find myself in the Big Apple which is overwhelming at first but i'm settling in nicely (the irony is that by the time i'm truly settled i'll be flying home!)

So I thought i'd post some intersting things i've learnt/found in NY:

  • Their driving sucks!
  • They hoot for nothing.
  • The green man counts down how many seconds you have left to cross the road.
  • Poland Spring is the largest still water company (by far) - until today I thought it was the only bottled water around. (I see a market)
  • When you buy something, the exact change is often given out by a machine (like if you were paying for a parking ticket).
  • The gym in my hotel has a TV on every equipment which is linked to every cable channel!
  • There are probably the same number of cabs as there are other cars.
  • Food is ridiculously expensive - I went for breakfast with a client and we each had cereal with fruit and she had tea - it came to R284.90!!!

The photo above is where i'm working - 45 Rockefeller Center.