Small World

A photo of a chick dancing that looks scarily like me (granted that her hair is in front of her face and the photo is pretty small... ya ya ya).
Then... today, Mike receives this photo from Greg Lumley's photography website... and lookie here. Firstly there's Tor in the middle (walking right) and then there's Mike (on the left)... how bizarre!!!

Apparently this was taken at a Kirstenbosh concert! What a small world!
And here's another great photo taken during the Shebeen Boys rugby fines. Also by Greg Lumley!

hey. speaking of small world. i used to work opposite you when openbox was still in silverberg terrace.
i'm the guy that happened to take a photo of you and a friend at billy's.
you probably thought i was a freak :)
do you remember me?
Anonymous, at 08 September, 2006 13:50
hey my lovely, thank you so much for your postcard.. it's so special receiving post here from my family. i'm so glad to hear that paris was so full of excitement. i check your blog every now and then to see if there's anything new! love you to pieces my little sister, looking forward to seeing you in december. love
ash, at 01 October, 2006 21:25
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