Fire Fighting at Scarborough
Me in the bakkie on the way to the fire
My team making sure the fire didn't jump the road

The fire line
The VWS Mobile Fire Ops Unit - From where all the crews etc are controlled.
VWS Hotline: 084 700 5402
If you see someone throwing a cigarette out a car: 021 424 7715
not that i condone throwing cigarettes out the window, they can't really start fires. they are not hot enough to ignite petrol vapour, so don't see them igniting anything else
i don't do it, because it is still littering
p.s the word verification is yayen. is that the plural of yay? i felt the need to share
Anonymous, at 18 February, 2008 20:02
Hey Lucas
Thanks for the comment, but I highly disagree with you. Cigarette butts are one of the leading causes of roadside fires.
It has nothing to do with petrol vapour and everything to do with dry conditions, wind and the surrounding feul (e.g. dry grass, bush, leaves etc).
Cailey Gordon, at 19 February, 2008 10:12
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